  • Send-It-Quiet is a tool for sending emails from the command prompt.Send-it-Quiet is a console application. Works under windows console. You can send automated emails from the command line. It is also very useful for scheduled tasks. For example sending periodic backups to a mail account. Also Send-It-Quiet has very simple usage. All of the necessary configuration can be done by command line parameters.

Common usage scenarios
  • MS-SQL Backups. Its possible to create a database backup from the command line. And than you may want it delivered to an email address. MS-Sql server has a command line tool called OSQL.exe. Executing this command from the command line creates the backup. "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\osql.exe" -S"servername" -U"sa" -P"sapassword" -Q "BACKUP DATABASE mydatabase TO DISK='c:\backup\mydatabase.bak' WITH FORMAT". Once your backup file created, you can get it mailed easily by using Send-It-Quiet util.
  • MySQL Backups from the command line also can be made by using the this command. mysqldump -u username -h localhost -p database_name | gzip -9 > backup_db.sql.gz


  • Download the zip file and extract somewhere.
  • Most likely you already have, but just make sure that Microsoft .Net Framework installed on your computer.
  • Supports SSL and TLS (gmail uses SSL)
  • Supports attachments.
  • Supports multiple attachments
  • You can specify multiple recipients
  • Support UTF8 Content
  • Useful for command line batch jobs
  • Send multiple batch emails from the Command Prompt to many recipients
  • Send email from Scheduled Tasks
  • Easy to integrate another software
  • All parameters can be specified from the command prompt.
  • No ini or XML file configuration needed.
  • No registry configuration needed.
  • Easy to install (just an exe file)
  • You can use html tags in body.
  • Using Senditquiet is simple. All parameters can be specified from the command line.Senditquiet.exe -s <smtp server> -u <smtpusername> -p <smtppassword> -f <sender mail address> -t <recipients> -protocol <ssl> -subject <subject> -files <attachments>

    • Server: -s <server> : SMTP server address
    • Port: -port <port> : SMTP server port (If not specified, default value 25 will be taken)
    • User Name: -u <username> : SMTP user name
    • Password: -p <password> : SMTP password
    • Sender : -f <from> : Sender mail address
    • Recipients, To: -t <to> : recipient list (comma separated)
    • Protocol: -protocol <protocol> : SMTP protocol possible values are, ssl, normal.
    • Email subject: -subject <subject> : subject line, surround with quotes if you want to include spaces
    • Body of the message: -body <body> : Mail body. Surround with quotes if you want to include spaces
    • -bodyfile "C:\Users\dev\Documents\sample.html" External html file for message body can be specified by using the -bodyfile parameter. HTML File encoding assumed as utf8.
    • Attachments: -files <files> : Attachment files, (semicolon separated).
    • Log : -logfile <filename> : Optionaly you can specify a log file to have detailed trace of whole communication process. Try to put filename in quotes if you'll give a long path.
    • Suspending output messages : add >NUL to end of the command. 
    • CC: -cc <to> : cc recipient list (comma separated)
    • BCC: -bcc <to> : bcc recipents (comma separated)

    All parameters can be specified via registry.
    Create string values with the same name as parameters, under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\senditquiet. Please note when creating string values dont use preciding score "-" before parameter name. For example if you want to specify port number via registry, create string value with the name "port" not "-port".

    Return value (ERRORLEVEL)
    • 0 Success
    • 1 Fail

      1. How to Send Email From Command Line: Basic version: c:\>senditquiet.exe -s -port 587 -u -protocol ssl -p mypassword -f -t; -subject "subject line" -body "Hello there, this is the body of the message.<br>Best regards."
      2. Sending two files to two different recipient address. c:\>senditquiet.exe -s -port 587 -u -protocol ssl -p mypassword -f -t; -subject "subject line" -body "Hi<br><strong>Here is the requested files</strong>.<br> Thank you." -files c:\;c:\

      • 22 Sep 2015 CC and BCC parameters has been added.
      • 05/24/2013 Added the feature returning errorlevels.
      • 05/24/2013 Added the feature which is allowing specify paremeters by registry.
      • 02/22/2012 1.5 added new paremeter, -logfile.
      • 02/11/2012 1.4 added new parameter, -bodyfile. Now you can specify external html file for the message body.
      • 1.3 Added html support in body.
      • 1.2 Added line breaks support in body. Simply use a \n for line breaks in body parameter. See examples above.
      • 1.1 Timeout increased to 30min.
      • 1 Initial version
      Your comments are appreciated.


      1 – 200 of 214   Newer›   Newest»
      Anonymous said...

      thanks, good work

      Anonymous said...

      after running it i get "sending mail to: "
      after around 10 seconds get "Failure sending mail".

      anyway to debug as to what failed?


      Dev said...

      Can you supply command line and complete console output please? Also here is the source code incase you want to debug it out by yourself.


      Anonymous said...

      Is there any way to include line breaks in the email being sent? That's the only thing I can't figure out!!

      Dev said...

      I've added line break support for you. See Changes section.

      Anonymous said...

      Does it work with Windows-7 ?
      THANKS !!!

      Anonymous said...

      Does it require any particular version of DotNet ?

      Dev said...

      Yes It does work on Windows 7 and it does require DotNet version 2 or higher.

      Anonymous said...

      \n is not working for me. It sends it as plain text.

      Is it possible to use html in the body?


      Dev said...

      Yes it sends mail as plain text, so \n 's are not converted to BR tags since its not sending it as HTML.
      Probably most clients are not capable to show plain \n 's as a new line.

      I'll make changes to be able using HTML in body. When i get a chance. Check back in a few days. thankyou

      Anonymous said...

      Hi can I pay you some money to fix the html for me.

      I need it urgent.

      Please post here how to contact you.


      Dev said...

      I've fixed the html. You can contact me by selcuk[at]atay[dot]org. If you want to make a donate you can do that via paypall. Please use same email address.

      Dev said...

      See the examples for how to do new lines by using html

      Anonymous said...

      Thats great! Thanks alot for the quick response. Appreciate it.

      Donation made.

      Keep up the good work.

      Anonymous said...

      It me again, can you also please add proxy support? Like HTTP Proxies (ex. IP:Port)

      I shall add more to the donations. I appreciate your efforts.


      Anonymous said...

      gmail not working. Error msg is 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. i9sm332876pbk.20

      Anybody know how to fix that?

      Dev said...

      Hey, got no time for proxies atm. Sorry.

      Gmail is working for me, just checked. Copy the first example from above, just replace your account information and receptient section, leave port and smtp section unchanged. It should be work.

      ShaneG said...

      When i run the program, i get the error :

      .NET Framework Initialization Error
      "Unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application"

      Dev said...

      ShaneG, You have to install .net framework.
      Here is the download link

      Radu said...

      Tried to send emails to multiple (2) recipients using both , and ;. The first one gets the email. The second one does not. Is that true for other users? Please advise. Thank you.

      Anonymous said...

      Not able to get multiple files attached. When two are supplied seperated with a comma as the documentation describes only the first is sent. Any suggestions?

      Anonymous said...

      Hi, I know this is a few months old but I was wondering if you could help me.

      I've tested this wonderful program on my windows 7 machine and it works like a dream! :D

      However, I've tried it on our server 2003 storage server (the place it needs to work from) using the exact same command line options from my pc and it comes up "failure sending mail".
      I've installed a mail server role on the server and IIS is configured with SMTP, however it still fails. The .net version is v4.0.30319 (I think).

      Any thoughts would be appreciated.

      Anonymous said...

      Can you supply full console output ?

      Anonymous said...

      Thanks for getting back to me! :)

      senditquiet.exe -s *exchange server IP address* -u *my username* -p *my password* -f *my email address* -t *my email address* -protocol smtp -subject "test" -body "testing" -files mirror.log

      Sending mail to :*my email address*
      Failure sending mail.

      These settings work 100% on my win 7 machine

      I'm logged onto the server as the administrator and I have tried the following....

      >tried the admin username and password.
      >tried ssl instead of smtp.
      >tried it without an attachment.
      >tried forcing the command prompt to run as administrator (just to make sure!).


      Dev said...

      It seems there is a connection issue with your exchange server. It might be firewall or something. Make sure the port not blocked and the ip address is accessible. Also you can check with a gmail account if it working well

      Good luck

      Anonymous said...

      It's odd though that I can use that exact same script from my pc to the exchange server, but not from the storage server to the exchange server.

      I've just tried gmail on the exchange server using the following script with no success.....

      senditquiet.exe -s -port 587 -u *my username* -p *my password* -f *my email address* -t *my email address* -protocol ssl -subject "test" -body "testing"

      ...however that did work from my PC.

      Anonymous said...

      The data passed comes across properly formatted to my email client (tried two different: yahoo mail and gmail), but when I send to (an email to a text message) the data comes across garbled. I would assume this is an issue with, however when I send an email to from either my yahoo mail or gmail, it comes across fine. Any ideas how to get the data being passed formatted correctly?

      Anonymous said...

      This is the output:
      MSG:Hello there, this is the body of the message. Best regard


      Anonymous said...

      What a great tool - it should do exactly what I need. However, I can't get it to work! I get the message: sending mail to:, but then nothing happens until "Failure Sending mail" appears. I know my email server requires SMTP authentication so i wondered if it was to do with that? here's my command line:

      senditquiet -s -port 465 -f -t -subject "test" -u -p -protocol SSL -body "test"

      any help gratefully appreciated



      Salo said...

      Can you put a link to the latest source code so we can try and improve/detect bugs maybe?
      Also, can it be compiled with MS VC6++ so it doesn't ask for .NET components?

      Anonymous said...

      I am getting the below message and it is not sending the mails.

      Sending mail to
      The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

      Anonymous said...

      Works Great but I can't find the source code at the site that you listed.

      Anonymous said...

      Is it possible to sent an html file as message body

      Anonymous said...

      no atm sorry

      Amrutha said...

      good tool but i need to change the receipt from my address can it pick receipt from a text address book pls inform me..

      Dev said...

      Sorry its not possible at the moment.

      ReneGe said...

      Do you have any plan to enable Send-It-Quiet to use a file to define the email body?

      If yes, would you mind sharing an approximate ETA?

      Thanks and cheers

      Dev said...

      I want to add couple of features including that one. If i have say an approximate eta, let say itll be happen this weekend or next. i hope


      Anonymous said...

      -bodyfile added to the parameters see parameters section.

      rover3500 said...

      Hi,gr8 idea but is it poss to add it to send to menu with "%1" for any file?
      I tried it but won't have it.
      My command line not brill and I know not always poss but would be handy.
      Basically i want to send files from my local Pc to dropbox via email.

      Dev said...

      Yea it is possible.
      Put senditquiet.exe in the system directory, or somewhere which is specified in the systems PATH variable.

      Create a batch file in %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo, name it something like send_it_into_my_mailbox.bat.

      Type your command line in the batch file, replace the file name section with %1.

      For example :
      senditquiet.exe -s -port 587 -u -protocol ssl -p mypassword -f -t; -subject "subject line" -body "Hi
      Here is the requested files.
      Thank you." -files %1

      You might have to add surrounding quotes arround %1.. like "%1".

      Have a PAUSE command as last line, so that way you can see any error messages.

      good luck

      Richard said...


      We've been using your great piece of software for a few weeks now, unfortunately we had a few server issues recently, which involved a 3rd party dialling in and making some changes.

      Since then we send it quiet hasn't worked, with the "failed sending mail" message.
      I've tried a few different things to no avail, such as, using the new version of the software, trying the server name instead of ip address, trying different user names etc.

      The software is running on our exchange server and our code looks like this...

      senditquiet.exe -s 'server ip address' -u username -p password -f my email address -t my email address -protocol smtp -subject email subject -body ""

      As I said previously, this was working perfectly till last week. Since the server problems, I've also found some user permissions have been screwed up, such as not being allowed access to the terminal server.

      Is there any log files or any other way to find out what is causing the failure?

      Anonymous said...

      For anyone trying to get this to work with hotmail, it's the same command as for gmail, but the SMTP server is
      senditquiet.exe -s -port 587 -u -protocol ssl -p mypassword -f -t -subject "subject line" -body "Hi"

      You can also use port 25, but 587 works.
      The first time you try to use it hotmail asks you to log in and answer a captcha to make sure you're not a spambot, but after that it works great (after 1 hour of testing anyways; I'll post on here again if hotmail makes you answer the captcha more than that one time.)

      rover3500 said...

      Hi,I tried the shortcut in sendto worked fine,thanx alot,didn't need quote round %1%.
      Made a mistake and tried it 1st as a shortcut which sent but didn't attach anything.
      Works ok as above with details filled in.

      Dev said...

      Richard, I'm going to try to add logging feature this weekend. Please check back.

      Thank you

      Dev said...

      trace logs added

      Anonymous said...

      Can use imap servers?

      Anonymous said...

      Can you add a parameter to make it run silently?? I'm using send-it-quiet with Mikrotik's The Dude which supports single command line

      Anonymous said...

      * Yes you can use imap server which have a smtp feature.

      * For making it to run silent, put a >NUL end of the your command. If you dont want to see any console output, you can always redirect output to a file or NUL device.


      Randy said...

      Has anyone gotten this working sending messages from a yahoo account? If so can you please share your settings? I keep getting the message "Failure sending mail".


      Pierre said...

      Using your example for Gmail you have with a dummy account. The program says

      Sending mail to

      But I never get an email in my mailbox. any idea how to troubleshoot this? (obviously my email isn't

      Pierre said...

      oh geez, they all ended up in the spam folder! ignore my previous comment. Works great!

      Pierre said...

      although one comment. I sent an email to my provider's (AT&T) email-to-sms service, and the message i get is garbled to oblivion.

      When i send it directly through gmail i get something like:

      FROM:Bob Loblaw
      MSG:Something went wrong!

      When i send it through sent-it-quiet i get

      MSG:Something went wrong!

      Anonymous said...

      It seems that your email-to-sms doesnt like utf8 encoding in the from and subject area.

      Anonymous said...

      In reference to my post here:

      After about 15 days, Hotmail started rejecting the mail again, and made me sign in and re-solve a capcha before it would send again. If you're going to use Hotmail for this, I recommend either checking the Hotmail account regularly or at least having it forward mail to an account you do check so you can see when it's rejecting your command line emails.

      Anonymous said...

      Great utility! Thanks.

      When it fails to send the email, could you set ERRORLEVEL to non-zero? This would be helpful within .bat files.

      Anonymous said...

      When I use -bodyfile with simple ascii text, the newlines are not honored. It all runs together. Is it possible to preserve the line formatting? I tried inserting \n strings into the body file, but they also just run together in the email message.

      Anonymous said...

      Oh, I just discovered that if I use "
      " instead of "\n", I achieve the line breaks.

      But if you can honor the implied line breaks from a simple ascii file that would be good.

      I plan to have my monitoring script build bodyfiles on the fly, and then use senditquiet to send custom messages.

      Anonymous said...

      That last comment lost the line break sequence I was trying to show. It is < b r >.

      Anonymous said...


      How to enter the Cc mail id using SendItquiet

      Dev said...

      Sorry there is no such feature like cc. Still you can use recipients parameter to specify mail adresses. Just put a comma between mail adresses. for example "-t;"

      Anonymous said...


      Thanks for putting this together it works great. Can you explain how to use the -logfile parameter? I can't quite make it work. Also, are you thinking of adding cc and bcc functionality?

      Thanks again.

      Anonymous said...

      It would be nice if you could store profiles in windows registry so that you don't have to expose your login/password, and also it would shorten your command lines so I wouldn't get an error from Visual Foxpro telling me my string is too long. Otherwise it works 100% with my gmail account if I manually use a command line outside of Visual Foxpro. So for example to install the profile you might use -install and then to call it up you could use -profile . Basically it's what blat does and I love blat except that it doesn't support ssl like senditquiet does. To work around this problem with VFP's restriction on how long a run command can be to run command lines in dos, I'm working on creating a batch file so my run command simply runs the batch file that was created to actually send the email. I think it's genius on my part of figuring that one out. Thank you for this great program and I hope you consider my suggestions for security purposes and any string length limitations somebody might have when working with VFP and other compilers.

      Anonymous said...

      Works perfect. Would like to see ability to attach files and bcc capability. What are the plan for future enhancements? Thanks for the great program. I was looking for something like this for quite a while. Thanks again.

      Bharat Naik said...

      Sorry, did not realize that it is supporting attachment of files. Is it something new or it has has been there? I am asking just to make sure that the version I have, would support attachment or not. If not then I can download the updated file.

      Anonymous said...

      it has been there since the begining :)

      Bharat Naik said...

      For multiple file attachment. With one file no problem. For Multiple files, need to know the exact syntax. -Files "C:\My Documents\file1.pdf", "C:\My Documents\File2.pdf" does not work.

      Also -Files "C:\My Documents\file1.pdf","C:\My Documents\File2.pdf" (one without the space) does not work. Would you please give the exact syntax? Thanks.

      Anonymous said...

      You need to use a ; between file names not, . See examples.

      Bharat Naik said...

      Thanks for pointing out about the example. The parameter states that they should be comma separated that is why I got confused. Thanks again.

      haytham said...

      how to do this concatenation ??

      -body "Dear" + $name + " ,
      this is your PDF.
      to open the PDF you need this password" + $password + "
      Best regards." -files $(PDF_FILE_PATH)


      Anonymous said...

      thanks a lot man!!!

      works perfect!!!

      funciona certinho pessoal aproveitem!!!

      Anonymous said...

      A little misstype: A mail, sent by using sendit>quite<, instead of quiet.

      Anonymous said...

      I know, mistype only one "s" :-)

      Jan G. Laursen said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
      Darrell C said...

      Can this be called and run from a WinBatch application? I have a need to detach the application, then run a WinBatch application to do other processing, and then sent an e-mail at the very end.

      Anonymous said...

      I wanted to know how to use the -logfile attribute as it doesn't seem to work on my W2K8R2 server.


      Anonymous said...

      Is there a possibility to use a text file instead of a html as body file?

      Anonymous said...

      it should be possible, I havent tried though

      Anonymous said...

      Yes, it can send txt files as body file, however all text in the file is put together:

      "Attached the requested information
      Support Team"

      is being output as:

      "Attached the requested information Sincerely Support Team" (all in one line)

      Anonymous said...

      The problem with sending txt file as body is that line breaks are converted to spaces. So the layout is not that great.

      Anonymous said...

      I need to attach a set of txt files from a directory. Is there a wild card option to grab them all? The file names change so I cannot specify each attachment.

      Vic Rosenberg said...

      your site says logfile added in V 1.5. Yor donlaoded file says V 1.4, I logfile does not appear to work

      Anonymous said...

      Thank you Vic, Ver 1.5 uploaded. Sorry for that.

      Anonymous said...

      Thanks man, works great. but i cant find the source code at the site you mentioned

      Anonymous said...

      Just downloaded latest version but I (also) get the NET Framework Initialization Error
      "Unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application"
      But I have versions 1 through 4 installed and other test of .NET work OK. The OS is swedish x64 if that is a problem.

      Anonymous said...

      Thanks for this utility,

      I created Excel Macro to generate a script for email 80- 100 files based on file name , to diff diff email, and use this to email the attachment.

      After I created the batch from Excel Macro, I used to get the same error everyone is getting "Failure sending mail".

      But when I run this on my Main Server which is Windows 2008 R2 , it runs fine and sending email with attachments.

      Thank you so much

      Anonymous said...

      log the email sending using the -logfile fail, while the email was send correctly but the log file dont created or appended with the log

      if you can give me help or another link to version v1.5 that enable log

      thank you

      Anonymous said...

      Tried the -logfile parameter with version 1.5 and while the email is sent no lgfile is created. Please explain steps to get the logfile to work
      Thank you

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      Anonymous said...

      How do I remove the annoying footer? "A mail, sent by using senditquite". This utility is perfect; but that's a showstopper.

      Anonymous said...

      PS: I was able to Hexedit out the text. It would be great to not see that footer though.

      Also, I wasn't able to figure out how to change the "display name" of the sender's email address. The only thing I could do is change the actually from address; which most SMTP servers don't like.

      Thanks for this great utility. Much more simple than Blat. Command-line syntax extremely intuitive!

      Anonymous said...

      "A mail, sent by using senditquite" is just default subject text, if you supply one by using -subject param it wont appear.

      Anonymous said...

      Great utility - thanks. I downloaded the latest version but can't seem to get the logfile to work.

      Anonymous said...

      logfile parameter not working. Any update?

      Unknown said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
      Anonymous said...

      body message is only to lower?

      Anonymous said...


      Recently found this utility and loving it, very simple to use and works with Exchange with TLS - nice!

      As per the post on 'March 13, 2012 at 4:05 AM' can you please add ERRORLEVEL's so that 0=Successful and 1=Unsuccessful (or more error codes if you like, for more detailed troubleshooting) but at this stage would be happy with 0/1 so I can build some error checking into my batch file.

      Also as per post on 'June 2, 2012 at 11:55 AM' having choice/ability to store some of these variables in the registry would very be very nice. BLAT is a good of example of this, but BLAT doesn't do TLS. This way we dont easily expose username/password in a batch file, i.e. server, port, username, password, protocol, from fields.

      Thanks again

      RK said...

      I am attempting to use this with Windows 2008 and it is not finding the .NET 3.5 which I have installed.

      Anonymous said...

      Hi any update on returning ERRORLEVEL's and storing data in the registry?

      Anonymous said...

      returning an errorlevel might be good feature to have. But about storing data to registry, im not sure. What data can be stored in registry can you explain a bit or have any example in your mind?


      Anonymous said...

      Thanks for responding so quickly with your request for more information about the registry.

      BLAT is an example of a command line emailer that allows some of the data that can be entered using switches to be stored in the registry. Although storing items in the registry is still not 100% secure, it is more secure than having usernames & passwords visible to people who may be looking within the batch files/scripts. I find it a good feature to hide these details from prying eyes and hence why I have made the suggestion to you.

      I have taken a dump of the registry settings of BLAT and amended to show how they would be if SendItQuiet did the same:

      "SMTP server"=""
      "SMTP Port"="25"

      This allows the command used in the batch/script to be nice and simple:
      SendItQuiet.exe -t -subject "test email" -files "C:\file1.txt"

      Also, the command line switches would take precedence over the registry. So if using the following example, I wanted to use a special bodyfile I could just reference it in the command and it would override the bodyfile specified in the registry.
      SendItQuiet.exe -t -subject "test email" -files "C:\file1.txt" -bodyfile "C:\specialbody.html"

      I hope this clarifies this request for you.


      Anonymous said...

      PS: Having ERRORLEVELS returned is still my main enhancement request, storing data in the registry is a feature request and can be done later.

      Thanks again

      Anonymous said...

      Thank you for details you have given. I'm going to add both errorlevels and registry feature. in a few days, i hope.


      Anonymous said...

      New version uploaded, both returning errorlevels and parameters via registry added.

      Anonymous said...

      I have execute this tool from Powerbuilder script but I encounter strange problem because sometimes cannot auto-email send out without error prompting on the screen and sometimes can successfully send.

      Please advice.

      Thanks & Best Regards,
      - developer

      Anonymous said...

      I've downloaded the file from this URL but the -logfile and errorlevel never works.

      Have I downloaded the latest version?

      Thanks & Best Regards,
      - developer

      Anonymous said...

      About errorlevels it is working for me.
      From the command prompt, first issue senditquiet command, and than check returned error level by ECHO %ERRORLEVEL%

      about the logfile, i forgot to inclıde debug config file to the zip. Please redownload and check again.

      thank you.


      Anonymous said...


      Thanks a lot for this awesome little program.
      Like RK, I'm also having problems with getting it to work on Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit.
      It can't find any .NET installation even though i have several installed.

      Anonymous said...

      It is nice work. Thanks a lot. I would like to trouble shoot since it is not run in Windows 8. So can you pls. share source code?

      celticadvisor said...

      Hi! I've tested this wond)erful program on my windows 7 machine and it works really well. My html file has some foreign characters (spanish). They do not reproduce right. Can you tell me how to declare them right? Thanks

      Anonymous said...

      I have te same problem: á é í ó ú ñ. They work with the -body parameter. They do not show with the html files! Any help?

      Anonymous said...

      You should add utf-8 meta tag into your header section

      Anonymous said...

      Thanks for sharing this great little utility! Very nice lightweight email sender. Does exactly what I need. May you be blessed...

      Anonymous said...

      Has anyone been able to get past the utf formatting issues when sending email/txt messages to cell phones?

      Anonymous said...

      Very great tool.
      It is exactly that what I searched for!
      Is it possible to get the source code?
      I want to be able to correct bugs by myself and embedd the code directly into my exe file.

      Thanks and Kind Regards

      Anonymous said...

      Having issues since late 2013 with gmail. Always getting timeout.

      Using -

      senditquiet.exe -s -port 465(also tried 587) -u -protocol ssl -p mypswd -f -t -subject "Test Subject" -body "Test message body"

      - any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks

      Anonymous said...

      Thank you for the great utility. This is the only tool I discovered able to send messages trough Exchange server with SSL and user authentication.

      Anonymous said...

      Great Tool!
      My Provider seems to need an POP3 Login before beeing able to send Mails through SMTP.
      "Connection is refused by SMTP Server"
      Could you add this Option: POP Login before send

      Unknown said...

      Hi, nice job you did. is ask too much to put a Cco option? no problem for me to send 1 by 1 but many servers are rejecting them because i'm sending too much emails straight and I dont think its nice to show everybody's email adresses sending all in "To" field ... thank you very much the hard work, really nice tool

      Anonymous said...

      -t "Mary Jones" doesn't seem to work.
      Should it?

      Anonymous said...

      -t parameter must be a valid email address

      Anonymous said...

      Hi, this is great work!

      i'm trying to send multiple attachments from a directory with %1 but having no luck, can you help please?

      Kind Regards,

      Anonymous said...

      senditquiet -s -port 465 -u -protocol ssl -p lifeisbetter -f -t; -subject "KSP Shipping Confirmation" -body "Please see attached file a soft copy of KSP Shipping Confirmation." -files D:\KSP\naigaiksp_89043.csv

      Before when we're using our company mail server my script has no problem at all and working very fine on windows 7 but now we've change to cloud hosted by gmail I encountered problem because it couldn't send mail anymore. The script above is the same I used before just only the smtp server and port I changed as we have currently using, please advice what's going wrong.

      Anonymous said...

      Use port 587 instead 465

      Anonymous said...

      Hi thanks for the speedy reply!

      I've checked w/ my IT Manager if can change the port to 587 but it's quite difficult because our headquarter from Japan has assigned it and a lot of things need to change in network configuration.

      Anyway, is it not possible to use the port 465?

      Anonymous said...

      Hi, I'm afraid it is not possible. Communication with the server hangs when using 465 i don't know why.

      Anonymous said...

      Yeah, stop for a long time nothing happen but no error comes out.
      I don't think it's not easy for my company to change the port, so I'll be hoping
      that this problem could be fix.

      Anonymous said...

      Is there a way to trigger the GMAIL signature lines as part of the -body ?


      Anonymous said...

      Our server doesn't require a password to send email, but it is saying a username and password is required, is there a way around this?

      Unknown said...

      Is it possible to send mails recursively? I mean i am trying to do performance testing which requires huge number of mails to be sent to mail server.

      Anonymous said...

      Create a batch file,enter a lines of send mail command in it, than copy paste the line let say 100 of times. Than copy the batch file let say 10 copy. and than run them all

      Anonymous said...

      Great program! Thanks, this helps me a lot. I have a small correction to your web page. Under "Parameters"->Attachments, I think it should say "semicolon separated" instead of "comma separated". commas didn't work for me in separating attachment files on the command-line. thanks!

      Dev said...

      Thanks for correction

      Anonymous said...

      Sending a text file as the body using -bodyfile but \r\n aren't preserved when I view the email. Found in the code that IsBodyHtml=true is fixed. When I changed this to false the text displayed correctly. I'd suggest auto-detecting html. Thanks for the nice program.

      msg.IsBodyHtml = body.TrimStart().StartsWith("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

      Unknown said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
      Anonymous said...

      I would like to know how to send email via GMAIL account, I have tried it, but it responsed like "5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at..."

      senditquiet.exe -s -port 587 -u -protocol ssl -p mypassword -f -t -subject "subject line" -body "Hello there, this is the body of the message.
      Best regards."

      please advise me and thank you in advance.

      Anonymous said...

      check your password, or use another account.

      Anonymous said...

      Hi, I did try my other gmail account still failed. I also try other command line send mail tools, still failed. And it comes with the same error information "5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at..." Do you have any ideas ?

      Unknown said...

      Very amazing software, easy to use, easy to install (no install!!).

      I have a suggestion: is it possible to use a file for the recipients list when we have multiple emails because on command line, there is some limitations on the number of emails that can be used.
      Thank you

      Unknown said...

      it could be like this:
      senditquiet -tf emails.txt
      where -tf: to file
      emails.txt: 1 email per line

      GPL said...

      Tried running this on Windows 8.1 x64 and get the error below. Tried as administrator with no luck:

      This App Can't Run on your PC. To find a version for your PC check with the software publisher.

      Anonymous said...

      I needed to turn on the "Access for less secure apps" feature on my gmail account so I could finally make it work.

      Is there a way I can use senditquiet without turning that feature on?

      Anonymous said...

      Excellent! Exactly what I needed. I can call this withe the right parameters from my own programs, and it works!. Thanks

      Anonymous said...

      Nice free NO INSTALL program, only bug is it sends ALL info as
      that effing UTF-8 encodement. NOT GOOD ENOUGH sir.

      Anonymous said...

      Good work congrats.
      Possible to send with cc to anyone?

      Anonymous said...

      Hello, it works, but not all chars are displayed correctly (ä,ö,ü,ß). Is there an option to do it?

      Anonymous said...

      I can`t use the >NUL function.
      My syntax is :
      start I:\senditquiet.exe -s -port 587 -u -protocol ssl -p xxx -f -t -subject "subject line" -body "Hello there, this is the body of the message.
      Best regards." >NUL

      And i receive the output: Sending mail to : and after that the cmd is closed. I want to delete this message. Can i do this with >NUL ? Please respond ASAP. Thanks

      Anonymous said...

      Great software. Thanks for it!
      I use senditquiet to auto-send critical errors in logviewer.

      however, don't work for me the registry values...
      What I'm dong wrong?

      Nathan J said...

      This is a life-saver for sending via Office365 over TLS! Thank you so much! Only thing it seems to be missing is the ability to CC: or BCC:? That is important functionality for me right now. Is it possible to add? Thanks again!

      Anonymous said...

      CC and BCC parameters are added. Thanks.

      Nathan J said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
      Nathan J said...

      You are, quite literally, The Man (or The Woman). Thank you so much!

      Anonymous said...

      Thank you for your efforts.
      Could you help me please.
      bcc or cc is not working.
      After execution on commandline output is:
      Sending mail to :to@xx.xx

      It sends a mail to to@xx.xx only
      C:\siq>.\senditquiet.exe -s server -u user -p pwd -f from@xx.xx -logfile C:\siq\sq.log -t to@xx.xx -bcc bcc@xx.xx -subject "#77146#"

      Anonymous said...

      Please post an example with bcc.
      Thank You

      Dev said...

      I confirm this parameter works for me

      -port 587 -protocol ssl -s -u from@xx.xx -p pwd -f from@xx.xx -logfile C:\sq.log -t to@xx.xx -bcc bcc@xx.xx-subject "#77146#"

      Unknown said...

      I blog often and I really thank you for your information. Your article has truly peaked my interest. I will bookmark your blog and keep checking for new information about once per week.
      Outlook Mail

      Nick said...

      Hi there, I'm trying using an email account and I get the following error:
      "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure".

      Any ideas?

      Anonymous said...

      Absolutely great program for what it does! Simple, clean and compact. Works great for me to integrate into other software development. Is there a way to format the from email address to include a name like "John Smith" so that 'John Smith' reads as the 'from' name when viewed by the recipient?

      Nathan J said...

      You can set the -f parameter as "John Smith "

      Nathan J said...

      Doh...code got stripped out in my last comment...
      -f parameter should be "John Smith [less-than-symbol][greater-than-symbol]"

      Anonymous said...

      thanks, i looking for this, the ability to send attachment and free.

      Josh said...

      So following the information above, and making sure I have "Less Secure Apps" enabled, I'm unable to send anything through Gmail. I keep getting the 5.5.1 error. This is what I send: senditquiet.exe -s -port 587 -u myuser -protocol ssl -p mypassword -f myfrom -t -subject "Testing" -body "This is a test."

      What am I missing??

      Demystifying DBA said...

      How to use this to send emails via less secure settings - I have SMPT and port 25 default - but IT says nothing else required as the emails are configured with no SSL and no authentication required - can someone give me an example?

      Anonymous said...

      Tried this Software for several hours. It does not work. Sometimes it says that -t is missing and all the other times the PC hangs and does not send without any message. This JUNK-ware

      ForwardChoicer said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
      MANAHIL said...

      Very nice post! keep it up. - Sending files has never been easier before.

      Without any Registration, You can use it!!!

      preet sangha said...

      Thank you. A blat.exe for the 21st century!

      Hots said...

      Was working fine until now, tried on a different machine and after running it i get "sending mail to: "
      after around 10 seconds get "Failure sending mail".

      There is nothing to provide as i just ran a command that works fine on few other machines but on this machine it says "Failure Sending mail"

      Unknown said...

      Good post, facing account login issue, Call at Gmail Customer Care Number Canada 1-888-582-4887 for technical support & Help.

      Anonymous said...

      Had been working great sending to Yahoo mail, but just a couple of weeks ago, I started getting this failure message, "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.1 Authentication required" Anybody else getting this and is there a solution? Thanks.

      Richard Carroll said...

      Nice post, Gmail Assistance Phone Number Nz +64-800002517 to solve your gmail account related issue in New Zealand.

      Unknown said...

      IS there a way I can capture the error level of this great little app when I launch it through a New ProcessStartInfo() in either VB.Net or C#.Net?...instead of running through a batch file and pulling a VISUAL errorlevel off the screen? anybody?

      EmailQuestion said...

      I like to use email addresses (for from, to, cc and bcc) which include name "John Doe " rather than just

      Is there a way to do this

      EmailQuestion said...

      I meant "John Doe less-than-symbol greater-than-symbol".
      I did see this question earlier, but did not see a reply.

      EmailQuestion said...

      You say you support both SSL and TLS. Sending through requires TLS. Your only settings for protocol are "ssl" and "normal". Normal will not send. SSL sends but it takes 15 seconds to do so. Suggestions?

      Richard Carroll said...

      Good job, Call us at Gmail Support Number Canada 1-800-998-6716 for technical help if you are facing problem with your gmail account in USA & Canada.

      Richard Carroll said...

      Nice to read, call at Gmail Helpline Number Canada 1-800-998-6716 which is tollfree number for you, contact our technical staff, and fix your problems.

      seravina danniella said...

      This is so informative! Thank you for sharing.

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      Wow Thinking said...

      Wow good post, Do you Need Help for Garmin Support USA Just call at 1-916-209-6500 toll free number for instant help.

      Unknown said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
      Unknown said...

      Hi, I'm trying to start using Send It Quiet, but the send fails; in the log I see the error below. Any ideas? This is on Win 7.

      System.Net Error: 0 : [12448] Exception in the SmtpClient#33574638::Send - Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed.
      System.Net Error: 0 : [12448] at System.Net.Mail.SmtpReplyReaderFactory.ProcessRead(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 read, Boolean readLine)
      at System.Net.Mail.SmtpReplyReaderFactory.ReadLines(SmtpReplyReader caller, Boolean oneLine)
      at System.Net.Mail.SmtpReplyReaderFactory.ReadLine(SmtpReplyReader caller)
      at System.Net.Mail.SmtpConnection.GetConnection(String host, Int32 port)
      at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.GetConnection(String host, Int32 port)
      at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.GetConnection()
      at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)

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      tanggal kadaluarsa m-bio said...

      good job, you did great bro

      Technical Support said...

      Nice and informative Blog! Gmail has provided highly spam protection for email users of Gmail account. It is a free web-based service designed by Google and Gmail is totally secure email service provider.

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      Lona said...

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      balexar said...

      What a great approach to the subject, I was looking for. Thanks for these tips


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      Fernando Gabriele Bernardes said...

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      Anonymous said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
      Anonymous said...

      try this link Yahoo email extractor

      Anonymous said...

      than try this link Yahoo email extractor

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      Dorien said...


      Can anybody point me to the right place to download the source code?

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